In a world torn apart by division and strife, Clean Speech brings timeless lessons of Jewish mindful speech to communities across North America. Our 30-day education and awareness campaigns unite communities in making real and lasting improvements in the way we speak to build a more positive, respectful and peaceful world.
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In The News

Article Watching our words

Synagogues and Jewish organizations throughout the MetroWest community launched an initiative called Clean Speech NJ on May 1.

The 30-day education and awareness campaign is designed to “inspire the whole community to speak more mindfully and positively,” Alexandra Feingold said. Ms. Feingold is the project manager for Clean Speech at Aish, a global organization that offers educational and religious programming for Jews of all backgrounds.

Press Clean Speech Nebraska Community Service Award

We rarely have the opportunity to hold a mirror up to ourselves and see how our own actions matter. This past February, “Clean Speech Nebraska” allowed all who participated to do this every day for 30 days

Press Despite bitter divisions, communities band together for mindful speech

In major cities across North America and amid stark and persistent political divisions, a new movement is catching on, bent on toning down the vitriol that saturates social media, divides communities, disrupts friendships and even upends family get-togethers. The goal: to turn even political disagreements into respectful, constructive interactions.

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are contaminating our relationships and social environment – and until now, there’s been no programs to address this problem.  Clean Speech is taking a stand to spread shalom (peace) throughout our communities by cleaning up our conversations, one word at a time.

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