Our communities are torn apart by division and strife. The way we speak is both the problem and the solution. Clean Speech NYC is a 30 day community-wide education and awareness campaign to unite us in the practice of Jewish mindful speech, to build a more positive, respectful, and peaceful world. Sign up to receive daily videos, tips, and tools to elevate our speech.

In the News

Press ‘Clean Speech’ Takes Manhattan

While hate speech spreads online and in-person like never before,

Jewish organizations, schools and synagogues are working together to bring volume 2 of the “Clean Speech” challenge to New York City

Press Changing the tone of conversations through ‘Clean Speech’

In today’s political climate, some conversations with friends and family can be tough, especially around the holidays. The organization, Clean Speech, wants to help. It offers month-long courses that help New Yorkers change their conversations for the better.

Press ‘Clean Speech’ Campaign Coming to New York

Dozens of Jewish organizations from across the spectrum are joining Aish New York next month to bring a 30-day education and awareness campaign to the Big Apple.

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are contaminating our relationships and social environment – and until now, there’s been no programs to address this problem.  Clean Speech is taking a stand to spread shalom (peace) throughout our communities by cleaning up our conversations, one word at a time.

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