Sponsorship Opportunities

Entire Clean Speech Program                                     $25,000

Curriculum Workbook                                                   $5,000

Clean Speech Website                                                  $2,500

Day of Clean Speech  (24)                                             $1,000   
(Includes book, emails, films and social media)  

Clean Speech Class/Lunch & Learn                          $360

Clean Speech Banners   (28)                                   $100  

Consider becoming a “Day of Clean Speech Sponsor” to help people focus on the way they speak.
Each day can be dedicated in honor of a loved one: in their memory, for their speedy recovery or for a
birthday or special occasion. If you’d like to make a pledge for one of these sponsorships, please
email me at ydavid@aishstl.com. You can also visit aishstl.com to charge your sponsorship.
Together, and with the Almighty’s help, we’ll create a more united and peaceful community.

Day of Clean Speech Sponsors
Jewish Federation of St. Louis
Yale & Gale Miller (2 Days)

Clean Speech Class Sponsors

Clean Speech Banner Sponsors

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