The Clean Speech Ottawa campaign in May was a huge success and you were a major part of inspiring so many people to be more mindful of their words.
We are delighted to inform you about an exciting new Clean Speech initiative!
Kindness Week in Ottawa is coming upon us and we will be launching a 5 day Clean Speech Ottawa Compliment Challenge from Monday, February 21 to Friday, February 25!
You likely saw or heard about the Ice Bucket Challenge sweeping the internet by storm in 2014 to help raise ALS awareness. We are hoping to run something similar, but for compliments and kindness. We want as many members of our community as possible to receive a personal compliment that week, creating a wave of positive feelings that we could all use right now.
Please like, comment, and share all posts leading up to and during this fun week-long challenge! Join the challenge yourself and encourage your members to do the same.
How will it work?
- We will be launching short daily videos on Clean Speech and Kindness each day of the week, like a mini version of the initial project.
- Each video’s “Daily To-Do” will be to complete the Compliment Challenge for the day.
- The Challenge: Fill our social media with compliments by tagging the person you’re complimenting and saying something nice about them on Facebook or Instagram.
Additionally Please:
- Tag the person or organization you are complimenting, challenging them to do the same thing.
- Tag @CleanSpeechOttawa in this post as well
- Use the hashtags #ComplimentChallenge and #CleanSpeechOttawa
It’s as easy as that!
Plus, every day we are randomly selecting 10 winners to win a special edition Clean Speech Ottawa sweatshirt or touque!
Also to note; Volume Two of Clean Speech Ottawa will be launching November 2022. Save the date and let us know if you’d like to be on a committee ensuring its success!