
Clean Speech began in Colorado in 2019 with the mission of Clean Speech is to unite Jewish communities across North America in improving the dynamics of human relationships through Jewish mindful speech.

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The Jewish Experience

Clean Speech is powered by The Jewish Experience. For more than three decades, The Jewish Experience has provided education, inspiration, and community connection for thousands of families across the spectrum of Jews in Colorado. Our cadre of dynamic, respected educators provides a myriad of creative channels for people to experience the joy and wisdom of a rich, fulfilling Jewish life. Through classes, events, holiday celebrations, and social gatherings, our constituents of all ages and backgrounds learn more about themselves and their unique role in the Jewish People.

Rabbi Raphael Leban

For almost two decades, Rabbi Raphael Leban’s warmth, wit and wisdom have made him a beloved teacher of Torah with a devoted following of students from across the Denver community. Originally from Virginia, Rabbi Leban learned Torah at the Mir Yeshiva in Israel and received Rabbinic Ordination from Rabbi Z.N. Goldberg of the Jerusalem Beis Din. He is the author of Torah Today, a popular series of comments on the weekly parsha (portion). As managing director of The Jewish Experience, Rabbi Leban develops outreach and community programs, and co-shleps the organization to greatness along with Rabbi Ahron Wasserman. Allegedly one of the world’s most extreme skiing rabbis, Rabbi Leban now prefers the quiet life with his wife Ita and their three children, perfecting his cholent recipe in the relative safety of their home. Right around dawn you can find him teaching the daily Daf Yomi Talmud class at Merkaz Torah.

Rabbi Seth Cook

Fun Facts:

Hometown: Marion, Ohio
Spent 7 years living in the Old City of Jerusalem
Wrestled in High School
Plays guitar and mandolin
Favorite Cincy Hangout: The Library and Graeter’s Ice Cream with the kids

Lisa Cook

Fun Facts:

Hometown: Melbourne, Australia
Has lived on 4 continents
Bakes the best Aussie Meat Pies you will ever taste!
Amateur wine connoisseur
Favorite place to hang out in Cincinnati: The JCC pool with the kids

Kayla Soroka

Fun Facts:

Hometown: Born in NYC
Hobbies are reading, traveling, and anything food-related
Loves family football games (I’m terrible at sports but have some epic touchdown dances)
Favorite Cincy hangout: Redtree Art Gallery and Coffee Shop

Sierra Cwinn

Fun Facts:

Hometown: Montreal, QC, Canada
Currently Resides In: Ottawa, ON, Canada
Speaks French with an English accent

Susan Kramer
Fun Facts:

I turned 60 and launched my own business.
I am the first hairdresser to become the CEO of a major Jewish non profit.
I believe in Gd, Pixie Dust and Fairies and I am not afraid to say so.

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